How Subscriptions End Agency Excess.

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Jay Heffron
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After working at global and national ad agencies, as well as our own studios, we can tell you that much of the creative business is built around bloat.

Agencies love shrouding the branding process in mystery. Fancy it up. Drag it out. Layer it with sign-offs and check-in meetings. But much of what happens behind the curtain is merely process for the sake of process. It’s the fluff that inflates fees.

The complexity is built into the architecture, and clients are paying for it with every billable hour.

Subscriptions slash waste.

By offering continuous creative for a flat fee, the subscription model is incentivized to include only what’s essential to produce great work. Excess steps decrease profitability.

Agencies also underestimate their clients’ intelligence. They presumptuously think these savvy businesspeople need their hands held. Whether it’s a series of overblown meetings, or a firewall of account team handlers who rack up hours based on the fictitious idea that allowing clients access to fragile and sensitive creatives will undermine the precious work.

The only thing it would undermine is their profit structure.

Subscriptions treat clients like adults. Marketers have direct access to their team. Work is shared electronically. Feedback flows freely. Relationships flourish and strengthen. This intimate bond improves the quality of the creative and reduces the waste from unnecessary intermediaries that hike fees.

“Nobody intentionally orchestrated the excess. Agencies are inhabited by people who inherited the system from those before them. Associates learned it coming up through the ranks. As directors, they simply carried on as they were taught.”
- Tiffany Hsu, New York Times

The pandemic sounded the alarm bell on a broken model.

Agencies have a history of clustering in expensive metropolitan cities, of splurging on designer furniture and splashy artwork in offices with ping-pong tables and private brainstorming dens. Which is cool for the creatives. But clients are really the ones who pay for that overhead in every invoice.

The forced adaptation during the pandemic jolted us awake. We realized that subscription-based creative could trim the fat by opting for a decentralized network of A-list talent from international hotbeds of creativity, where the work is exceptional but the salaries are reasonable. We found that creatives are even more productive working from their own spaces rather than opulent decors inside glass buildings downtown.   
Whether it’s elimination of overblown processes, client coddling, or ostentatious expenses, subscriptions offer a new solution to creative services that signals the end of agency excess.

Graphic Design Subscriptions Simplicity

Brave new brands.

Subscriptions have ushered in a new era of creative minimalism that focuses only on the most essential processes that accelerate growth.

Traditional creative services were previously limited to three options:

- Expensive agencies that inflate fees
- Single-skill salaried employees that require managers
- Undependable freelancers that create inconsistency

Creative as a subscription maximizes value and freedom:

- Unlimited services, one monthly fee
- Premium talent across all disciplines
- Cancel or accelerate your plan at your pace

Creative as it should be.

Subscriptions mean full coverage at your fingertips. From intricate identities to complex digital development to multichannel campaigns driven by disruptive strategies, every project is now possible with the click of a button.

The creative is now controlled by clients. You want to cancel your plan? Go ahead. You want unlimited requests? We got you. You want endless revisions without upcharges? No problem.

The system produces fast turnarounds, not Idle runarounds. By trimming fat from the bloated agency process, we’re able to meet deadlines at turn rates that average days not weeks.

The foundation is built on talent you can trust. No more flaky freelancers, inflated agency fees, or entitled in-house hires who need their personalities coddled. Every plan includes a team of dedicated and elite creatives that are fully vetted and managed by our award-winning directors.

Better Off Studios Creative Minimalism
If you want to maximize value with a subscription, let’s chat.

We’ve put the model to the test and now we’re ready share it with clients that otherwise wouldn’t have access to premium creative at affordable rates.

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